2030 and Beyond provides a systematic assessment of how the mining and materials sector contributes to the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) set forth by the United Nations in 2015. While the target date of 2030 is considered a benchmark for reaching these goals, the book looks beyond this date and considers a longer-term vision.
- Written by a consortium of authors from developing and developed countries
- Offers coverage of environmental, economic, and social dimensions of the SDGs
- Follows the 17 SDGs and includes a short chapter on each, followed by a case example
- Includes longer conceptual chapters that consider cross-cutting issues as well
Aimed at those working in minerals, mining, and materials, this work offers readers a practical vision of how these sectors can have a positive impact on meeting these vital global targets.
Addressing gender inequality and the global efforts to achieve all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), has been evidenced in different parts of the globe. Although in recent years, the participation of women in different sectors has improved, in the mining sector, one can arguably say that gender equality is still a myth. The sector has historically been, and up to now still is, labeled masculine. This is despite the continuous active role of women in the various stages of the mining life-span. This dire state has attracted various initiatives and literature on the nexus between gender and the extractive industries (oil, gas and mining), albeit not much focus has been directed singularly to the impact of the mining sector on the achievement of SDG 5 on gender equality. This chapter therefore analyzes the unique negative impacts of the mining sector on women. The article highlights how women are impacted in various stages of the mining sector, specifically in the land acquisition process and during the final stage of mining. The article also highlights how the negative impacts associated with mining uniquely impact on women, in ways that are dramatically different from their male counterparts. The article therefore concludes by highlighting the various ways to ensure the achievement of SDG 5 in the mining sector.